I know I said, to my one reader, that I would write a post about where I want this blog to go. I don't have that post in me today. Instead I give you this:
Most people have clear memories of really great times in their lives, great friends, or arguments that they won with a cleaverly placed comment. Me? I have clear memories of some of the really stupid things I've said. Not so clear on certain memories of great times as for people I cannot for the life of me remember certain people in school that my friends swear were there the whole time. Any of my stupid comments I can't remember, my dear friends are always eager to remind me of.
Stupid comment #1:
In response to getting caught eating the marshmallow's out of a box of Lucky Charms
"I didn't know any better"
Stupid comment #2:
"I think I don't put pepper on my food because the white flakes in pepper must be salt and I've already put salt on my food. So I don't need to double up." this was after intently staring at the pepper shaker and trying to divine it's inner meanings. Btw: the white flakes are actually white pepper. Or so one of my friends claimed.
Stupid comment #3:
"Your End-Dump" think $100,00 worth of 40 ton metal attached to a big-rig that could kill you if it flipped on you/your truck "flipped? Oh that's not good." Ok this one is actually funny in an "understatment of the year" kind of way. Like when you watch a horror film and a character just got bludgened so you pipe up "that'll leave a mark". Funny.
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